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This is a prototype. I am working on 3 more chapters. – 3 different types of abstract paintings, accompanied by poetic interpretations. My desire is to give the reader the opportunity to spend a meditative moment, enchanted by his own abilities to create a world from abstract figures.

This is a self-written, edited, designed, illustrated, distributed book and the very first project of the collective: “La lune Aux Mille Visages” which aims to promote artists through art books, exhibitions, workshops… and we need support, for example through this crowdfunding, allowing us to print the final book and thus be able to work on the next projects.


We meet to listen soft meditative music and select the picture that speel to us the most.
Then we take our time to just dive into the picture until the picture speak to us.
Then we write what we see into the picture and into our soul.

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